Well here they are…my ultimate weaknesses…Monetto luxury cream wafer sticks and Ferrero Rochers!

These wafer sticks feel like you are eating air…but the kind of air that tastes unbelievably amazing and makes you so happy…?

They make you feel like your craziest dreams are possible…

Just think about it…how do they even make them?!? How do they make the wafer so thin and crispy and the chocolate cream so perfect? And so precisely round? All the same length, sitting perfectly in their tin…waiting for me…

Sometimes I peel off the first layer of wafer, then the second, and boom, the chocolate cream!

Did I mention they are only $3 a tin?!

I eat half a pack in a sitting easy! ?

Every night.?

It’s bad…?

And after half a pack…it’s no longer air…?

And as for the Ferreros…they have Nutella in them. Hello!!! Enough said!

But not for long!

It’s the last day of the year…and as cliche as it sounds, I’m starting a health kick! 

So 2017 here we come!!!

Goodbye my loves! Goodbye you beautiful mouthfuls of yum!

I’ll see you…um…I’m not actually sure when…

But it will be a while! 

‘Till we meet again!

Anyone want to join me?

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