Happy New Year everyone!!! I hope your NYE was as amazing as ours!

A few days ago, I read an article about how boring fireworks are!!! I couldn’t believe what I was reading! I thought that either the person is an attention seeker, or they have some serious issues!

How on earth could anyone find them boring?!?!

In our little family, fireworks are just about the most exciting thing imaginable (even before kids ?)…and so we try to get to Sydney each NYE for the amazing show they put on!

So first were the 9pm fireworks and this year I was prepared!!! With glow sticks and sparklers!!! For everyone! Thanks K-Mart!

Do I even need to mention that the kids loved it?! They really did!

As I said before…only really weird people don’t love fireworks!

We then raced home, showered the kids, put them to bed, they fell asleep, we stuck the lights on our kayaks, carried them to the water and rowed to the exclusion zone near the Sydney Harbour Bridge!

And yes, I felt like super mum getting it all done in time! ?? ??

Oh and we were 20 minutes early!!The exclusion zone was bigger than I expected…apparently the ash travels a long way!

We were so lucky, the weather was just perfect, and due to the low speed limits being enforced in the water, we felt really safe even though it was only our second time kayaking in the harbour.

So when the countdown finally arrived, we had our drinks, and cameras ready. Oh wait, no we didn’t….we both forgot our cameras! ? We had the best view in the Harbour and no cameras!! (So a huuuuuge thank you to Steph for letting me use these pics!!)

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,


It was beyond anything I had imagined!!! I’ve seen the fireworks quite a few times now, from different views, but the kayaks blew them all out of the water!

It also felt like the merging of the rich and the poor….the rich on their yachts and the rest of us on our kayaks with our glow sticks, fairy lights and lanterns! Oh and the water police….

It was a complete sensory experience! We saw them, heard them, smelt them and felt them! (And drank GBs)

The sound echoed and bounced off the city, then off north Sydney and back and forth again. And the bangs were SOOO LOUD to begin with! Like


And the vibrations went through the water, to our kayaks, to our life jackets and into our hearts!!!

Well into my heart anyway!!!

It was INSANE!!!

And last, but not least…this was my favourite photo! The waterfall under the bridge was mesmerising!

If you have ever wondered if you should kayak for NYE, the answer is a giant YES!

Get a babysitter, borrow, hire or buy a kayak…research where you are allowed to get into the water, light up (it is important to be visible!) and go, go, GO!

You won’t regret it!

Unless you forget your camera that is!

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