Indoor plants ? 

Have you every wanted to freshen up your house? As in give it some life, or place something organic against the man made? Well I tried kids….that didn’t quite work…they just mess it up constantly! Pets are out/outside. Period. Perhaps an indoor plant could help me? Hmmmm… Or a few…. Ahhhh and there you have…

Who’s Your Best Friend? (More thoughts on my kiddies)

Everyone wants their kids to love and be kind to each other. Right? And to not fight… Our kids, as with all families have absolutely gorgeous, melt your heart kind of moments. They will share their food or toys, help each other up if they fall over, talk and play together and defend each other…

French Provincial/French Country

So now that the family are gone, the sheets are washed, fridge cleaned out and decorations away, it’s time for me to look at decorating the house for the rest of the year! Yay! We moved in around October last year and are going for a French Provincial/French Country theme which I will keep you…

Happy New Year!

Another Christmas is gone and a new year begins! It’s strange, but I love taking down the Christmas decorations just as much as I enjoyed putting them up a month earlier. Replacing the festive garlands with spacious nothingness feels to me like beginning the year with a clearer house, a clearer mind and plenty of…

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