And Then There Were Five….

  Hi lovely friends, Wow that was a lot of photos! But I challenge you to only take a few photos with a giant balloon on the beach! It’s addictive! So, it’s been a while, and some of you have guessed correctly, that we are expecting another Stewart baby in our family! Yay!!!! And yes,…

Who’s Your Best Friend? (More thoughts on my kiddies)

Everyone wants their kids to love and be kind to each other. Right? And to not fight… Our kids, as with all families have absolutely gorgeous, melt your heart kind of moments. They will share their food or toys, help each other up if they fall over, talk and play together and defend each other…

A Christmas Angel

Isn’t she the most beautiful Christmas Angel you’ve ever seen?! Yesterday our little family put up our Christmas tree, amidst humid conditions and spikey fake pine needles. Not my favourite combination. But I do love the tradition of putting up the decorations each year, and I’ve been so excited to do it with the twins…

Thoughts on My Kiddies

Here are some late night thoughts on my little angels… They are starting to talk. A lot. All the time. And it’s pretty adorable! They are stringing words and sentences together. It’s quite funny: when I ask one a question or correct them, the other will chime in as a little parrot, repeating the same direction…

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!! It really is a wonderful time of year, as the world collectively remembers our Saviour, Jesus Christ’s birth. Although Christmas is much more commercial than ever before, I do think it has a way of softening hearts, making people kinder and bringing families together. I sincerely hope you enjoyed your Christmas and remembered the…

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