Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!

I have been a little absent on here for a few reasons, including a trip away, an app failure, potty training etc etc…you get my drift…

But I’m back! And with green and brown ice blocks no less!

These little gems are a favourite of ours and a great way to sneak goodness into a toddlers/anyone’s diet, while also avoiding other sugary options!

This is what I put into the brown ice blocks…

The kids called them chocolate and who was I to correct them?

A night in the freezer and muahahah!!!

And these are the green iceblock ingredients…

As you can see, you can put whatever you like in them…mango and spinach is a definite favourite! And grapes will sweeten anything up!

Here is a little spaceman is peaking through his rocket ship!

As you can tell, the kids loved them!!!

Here is Tori downing two at a time!

So we bought our containers last year from Costco, and incase you can’t tell, they are rockets and ships. They click together and have little stands for in the freezer. (TIP: don’t fill them all the way to the top, as it gets super hard to open if it freezes and expands too much!)

If you are wanting to try it yourself, and don’t have any moulds, I found some groovy ones around the $10 mark on sale HERE, and some pretty fancy ones HERE. Stainless steel anyone?

Experiment, change it up a little! I’d love to make ones with some carbonation in them, or yogurt, or whole fruit pieces etc….

Let me know if you have some staples that you make all the time or some great ideas to try.

All I know is they are quick, easy, healthy, and the kids love them. Oh and they cool you down too. What more could you want?!

xox Imogen

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