So last Saturday, our little family decided to have an afternoon at the Sydney Aquarium. We have annual tickets so we try to go as often as we can and it’s really fun to see how the kids are enjoying it more and more as they get older!

I love watching their faces light up as they see the jellyfish floating around with coloured lights (totally magical) or they can tell you witch ones are sharks and which are sting-rays! Kids are so smart! They just soak up information at this age!

As you can see, we tried out our time lapse settings too! Lots of fun!

Outfit details: Shoes – New Favourites from Seed and can be found here. Love them, very comfy and SILVER! Surprisingly Big W for the jeans and top. $40 jeans, easy to wear and comfy, but must use a belt. 🙁 And top just a fun el-cheapo.

What are some of your favourite family activities?








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